Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

How successful diet tricks that are not torture?

Has the ideal body would become desire of women. They are willing to do various things to get it. Diet is a popular method used women to get into shape ideal. Sometimes improper diet it becomes its own punishment.How successful diet tricks that are not torture?

1. Drink WaterDrinking water can reduce feelings hungry, you can try to drink glass of water before a tempting desire for snacking. Hunger Water consumption can be reduced by white, the result is eating any portion reduced. In addition, water can dissolve fat in the body so taking it very well for health.

2. Healthy food shelf youPutting healthy foods such as fruit or vegetables in a convenient spot look will allow you to reach. For  example, by put it in the center of the refrigerator, opposite positions cheese, biscuits, drinks soda or other  foods rich in calories can be put in place less looks.

3. Add to Healthy Food PlateTry adding vegetables on the plate You. It's okay to occasionally enjoy food at your favorite restaurant, but do not forget the message portion of salad as complementary. Vegetables are rich in fiber able to make your  stay feel satisfied so that the stomach does not charge to continue to be filled.

4. Enjoy FoodThose who like to eat quickly tend fat faster. This is due to because if humans eat slowly and enjoy the food, it will give you quite a lot time for the body to give a signal satiety in the brain so that the portion food eaten  less. Avoid eating while chatting or watching television. Habits such as This will make you eat in more  servings.

5. Create a Food DiaryTake note of what foods have You eat can help you more be careful for each food be eaten again. It will also help to keep it "missed" with high-calorie foods that enters the body. Note should be made accurately and  complete. Write down everything you eat small portions included in the 2 pieces of biscuit as well as all topping of food eaten. For example, when eating bread, topping record what to wear. Also notice how many  portions you eat. With the record, what can be analyzed roughly have to make weight You grow.

To be remembered in a diet is the need to be realistic. Do not hoping to get off too much within a short time  period. With peace of mind and apply tricks This can make you practically do not fear when going to a diet  program.

Fiber Rich Fruit Dragon Fruit, Suitable For Diet

Dragon fruit, the fruit of this cactus like plant known as pitaya or pitahaya. In the region of origin, China, this fruit called huo guo long as it is similar to the dragon.

Smooth fruit skin, which protects the fruit flesh full of small grains, and contains. Flesh is white, and there are red-purple.

Commonly grown in hot regions, dragon fruit suitable temperatures are in areas where the temperature ranges from 40 degrees to be able to fresh fruit and plenty.

1. Nutrient content of dragon fruit

Calorie content of dragon fruit in every 100 grams there are 60 kcal, derived from carbohydrates dragon fruit. Which means easily parsed and does not make you fat. Rich in fiber to facilitate digestion, especially when you are in a hot or difficult bowel movements.

Problem vitamins, dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C which is sufficient for the body's daily needs. In addition it also contains vitamins B1, as well for carbohydrate metabolism. B2 to speed healing and to control appetite and B3 to reduce bad cholesterol and improve skin condition.

Dragon fruit is also a good supply of calcium for bones and teeth, phosphorus good for the formation of cells, as well as to facilitate quality iron good blood.

2. Benefits of dragon fruit

Because the vitamins and nutrients in the dragon fruit, the researchers expressed a variety of benefits can be gleaned from this fruit.

- Dragon fruit can facilitate digestion
- Dragon fruit can provide good nutrition and moisturize the skin
- Dragon fruit lower cholesterol
- Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants that prevent cancer 

- Dragon fruit helps provide iron and calcium for bones
- Dragon fruit can balance the sugar level in the blood

If you already know the many benefits that can be gleaned from dragon fruit, dragon fruit yuk serve as a cover pieces.

Let's Eat Cabbage To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

The number of free radicals substances, carcinogenic substances are all around you, as well as unhealthy lifestyle is the trigger for the onset of breast cancer. So, as an intelligent young woman ladies and gentlemen should start early on preventive measures of breast cancer, one of which is to maintain a healthy diet.

A healthy diet can start by eating healthy foods and to reduce the risk of breast cancer such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables. One type of vegetable which is proven to prevent breast cancer is the cabbage family such as broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, bok choy, and cabbage itself.

According, cabbage and the family contains a chemical compound called sulforaphane which is one type of compound that can prevent cancer, including breast cancer hazard. The results showed that sulforaphane shown to kill cancer cells and does not affect normal cells.

One pound of broccoli contains sulforaphane tablespoon ladies who can add to salads or cap cay the ladies cook. If you are concerned about calories, you can choose one bowl of lettuce because lettuce contains only four calories. So, ladies can cook at least six ounces of lettuce per day to meet the needs of your sulforaphane.

In addition to lettuce and broccoli, cabbage family others also contain sulforaphane which is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer in the body of gorgeous ladies and gentlemen.

Choosing Blush According to Skin Type

Skin type into consideration when one would buy or use blush. Should first know your skin type, whether you are a skin type including oily, normal or dry. Then you can choose the type of blush available. There are 4 types of blush or blush on today. Choose according to skin type:

Blusher is most commonly known. Color powder blusher which is compacted to produce a color that is very real. This type can be used for all skin types, especially for those who have oily skin because it will reduce the existing oil during use.

The shape is not as dense blush more dense and moist texture. Because of this texture, the color can be produced naturally blend with skin color. This type of person is less suitable for oily skin type can make the face look wet or greasy.

Gel and the resulting color is not too obvious so it is suitable for everyday use or when you want to apply a natural makeup. Gel blusher is suitable for you who have dry skin.

Resembling small balls. How to use it is to use a brush that twisted around on top of the balls. Powder attached to the brush can then spread over the cheeks. Can be used for all skin types

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

Traditional herbs For Long Hair Fast

The guys like girls with long hair. Let frequently caressed .. Girls here are tips and tricks for a quick hair long. Let's be listened to :)

Traditional herbs For Long Hair Fast

There are several ways you can do so as long hair fast. The first is by way of hair extensions, and the second with traditional treatments.Care whose name can not produce an instant. But, if done regularly will certainly give satisfactory results.And here is a traditional herb that you can try in order to fast hair length:Remedy

1:Coconut milk can stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp. The trick, pijatkan coconut milk on the scalp, then wrap with a warm towel. Let stand for 20-30 minutes then rinse with cold water.Keep in mind that coconut milk can make the hair more moist, unfortunately the oil content is high enough so that it can be applied on oily hair types.Potion 

2:Combine olive oil and lavender oil for hair growth accelerating significantly. You do this by massaging on the scalp.Leave it alone to stay relaxed, but immediately rinse with cold water.Remedy 

3:The next concoction made from olive oil, honey, and cinnamon powder. Do not need many, adjusted only by the thickness and length of hair. This herb is applied on the scalp and do not need a massage, do it for 15 minutes before shampooing.Potions 

4:Last herb, lemon juice. Well, this one uses ingredients you do not have to worry about going limp hair. Especially you who have oily hair types can try. The trick is easy, simply memassagekan lemon juice before shampooing, and leave it for 15 minutes. Can be done at least 1-2 times a week. 

Do not forget in addition to care, inadequate nutrition also by eating foods that contain zinc, protein and calcium.